Ok, I was waiting for others to post pics of the Baptism last week, I guess. Mine aren't the best, but you'll get the idea...lol

You can sorta see how many people and wiggly kids there were, so the priest kindly galloped through the service. Beck is hidden by him here, and KQ took a break from exploring the sanctuary to see what the splashing was all about...thats godmother Genea standing behind her.
The guy in the blue shirt is the new godfather, Travis.
Mace took gettin wet in stride, but wouldn't leave the Holy Water Mohawk alone when Josh brushed it up a few minutes later. A curly haired grandkid--YAY!!
That afternoon, at Em and Scotts' house, Mace took a few wobbly STEPS to show Unca Scott his new toy--what a delightful day!