Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What do flowers mean?

A thirty-something guy walked up to the counter this morning with a worried look on his face and a six-pack of peach roses in his hand.

I said, "Whew! You look worried!" (...always state the obvious...)

He flashed a goofy smile and said, "Um, yeah...ah, what do peach roses mean?"

I could have given him the standard answer about the Victorian origins of 'flower-talk', how peach was developed after that era, how red, pink, white and yellow have 'meanings'....but I was feeling frisky, again...

I paused for a little florist-drama and said, "How come you thought about buying flowers this morning, hmm? Are you feeling especially good today....or are you just being a 'nice guy'?"
(I love it when they blush and admit.....nice-guy-ness...)

To most American men, red roses mean 'love', and they know she's aware of it, too. But, does it follow that another color means anything less?

Between us, we decided that peach could mean

  • "I saw the color of these flowers and thought of you"...OR
  • "Peach roses remind me of the color of your blush "...OR
  • "I wanted to give you some special flowers because you're so special to me"....OR
  • "You delight me as much as these flowers do!"...or just
  • "Hey, they were pretty, ok?"

A gift of flowers conveys something that no other gift does. What else says 'ahem' like flowers?

(Think about why people send flowers. Someone's sick or sad...someone's celebrating....or retiring....there's a new baby....a birthday.....a new home....congratulations....I'm thinking about you....you have my sympathy....you mean so much to me...I love you.

Can chocolate say it half as well? )

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