Wednesday, December 01, 2004

"Don't forget your beer, dear!"

You know, it used to be, 8 or 10 years ago, that the Minnesota man-in-the-street took on a decidedly scruffy look this time of year. Before the three-day beard was a fashion statement, we'd have a steady parade of prickly-faced men buying roses for their wives, to be delivered on Saturday.
(I know only one man who's done this every year...because he works from home, and because he CAN).

Why, you ask, are they getting ready to play Santa?
Or, 'cuz Minnesota's --brrrr--pretty cold?

Naw, they were going deer hunting, and part of the 'just guys' ritual was to seriously neglect personal hygiene for four or five glorious days...and, hey, if you're going to do it, you might as well rationalize that a new beard's itchy stages really ARE warmer up there in the woods....
Then too, if you don't bathe, you smell more natural, right?

(Oh, man! Ya don't want that 10-pointer avoiding you just 'cuz he gets a whif of after-shave, right?)

This year, FIVE different guys came into the shop or called to get roses delivered while they were gone hunting. It's hard not to laugh...

so I play the guilt

"You'll want extra babys breath with that?"

"How about a few 'I love you' balloons?"

"We can send chocolates, too, if you'd like..."

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE beards...mmm-hmmmm. Full, lush, grown-out beards.....

It's the half-inch, week-end back-to-nature guys I find hilarious...especially those I see again on Monday morning, clean-shaven and smelling good:

"Soooo....d'ja get your deer?"

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