Sunday, December 12, 2004


A close friend, D, sings with a local Chorale, and last night they presented a 'Christmas Caberet' in a former church at one of the nearby colleges. I was invited to attend with her husband, R, and two sons.
Having never been to a caberet before (I was thinking 'night club', or the decadent German one featured in the movie, I knew to dress up and to expect wonderful Christmas music, but oh, man! The evening was exquisite--we were seated at tables for 10 and plied with carols while we ate dinner...a roving MC told us about the music as he strolled around the hall....the churchy acoustics made their voices reverberate...the food was excellent and at one point, a Caberet Carver was chosen from each table to carve the Pork Crown Roast. At our table, R was chosen, and he did a masterful job.
The evening ended with the Chorale singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah (swing tempo!) and it was wonderful.
(Did I mention before how MUCH I love Christmas??)

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