My precious daughter (E) is marrying her sweetheart (S) on July 23rd, 2005 in St. Paul, Mn. We've had 18 months to prepare for the big day (BD), and now it's only 10 days away. Wow. As far as I know, everything's in place. Personally, I have a dress and shoes, and I've ordered the flowers, so now it's time to post a few pictures of her childhood, right?
When E was little, she loved the feel of air on her skin...ALL of her skin. One summer in particular, the year she turned four (?), our favorite neighbor would call me:
"Hi, Dodie! What's new?"
"Ummm, Birdie.....I thought you should know....E's running around outside without any clothes on.....again...."
Poor Dode. Yes, it happened more than a few times. But we lived in an isolated area with a big sunny front yard, and I didn't think a little kid should be concerned with keeping herself covered.
And E did 'run around' once she'd shed her clothes. She's zoom across the lawn, long dark hair flying, just enjoying the sun and air on her skin.
Nope, never got any pictures...and Dode never got used to
Baby E on the day before she outgrew that hand-crocheted dress.
Here's Gramma holding E. They delighted in each other. Gram taught her alot more about cooking than I ever did, too.
This was probably Big Brother's birthday. I'd forgotten the beanbag doll she's holding by the neck, there.
Both kids talked early, and I can still hear her little voice saying, "Muma? I'muna be a cowboy when I grow up, 'k?"
Remember, this was during the "Little House on the Prairie" series, and the whole country was fascinated by Laura. Every pattern book had "Little House" patterns to sew. E was usually a good sport about letting me dress her...she didn't much like the bonnets, but she loved
Grandpa thought the world of "that little girl".
After all those Little House costumes, E knew the thrill of 'dress up', and she did it as often as possible! (And aren't you glad I didn't post the one of you and Nancy?? (Oh, and that I omitted school pictures, too??)
"Clay-dough" was a favorite pastime for the kids. Click this one especially--we're talking grubby here!
Thumper. Nuf said.
The obligatory Santa
The cousins minus one--"Where'd Willy go?" lol
Enough little kid pictures?
Okay, here're a few from later:
Rollerskating with "Gunk";
After supper at Gram's house;
On a trip to San Francisco, with my brother and Gram;
and at Fisherman's Wharf, with her favorite Mom.
With Grammy at a dinner for my niece;
and with Mog at the cocktail party.
And here's S and E's official engagement picture, taken at Minnehaha Falls where he popped the question and she said "Yes!"
I hope your wedding day and your life together is ALL that you hope it will be. Trust each other always.
I love you, Prech...
Oh, they grow so fast! Soon there will be baby birdies in the nest! Best wishees to you and the newlyweds for a fabulous day!!
ReplyDeleteCongratultations to all...
Sure, you call her Presh and Beeg but I believe #1 son got TWO photo layouts prior to his wedding. It's sad that it's so obvious who your favorite child is.
ReplyDeleteAotB (who will resort to anything to see more pictures)