The whole idea of coding is putsy--but amazing. Like most other electronic stuff in my life (the camera and cel phone, for instance) I learn by doing....if I get the basics down, I can build on that to figure the rest out. The camera seemed unbelievably complicated at first, but now the choices actually makes sense (and the only thing I still need to figure out about the phone is how to make that woman STOP repeating the numbers out loud as I punch 'em in....the twit even says "talk" when I make the connection).
And here in Computerland, I feel like I'm being let in on the game, ya know? I practically have the whole first page done!
Want a KittyRocks picture? This is Set 0617, just so ya know. I really like the pale eyes on the one in the (Yup, her face glows!)

KittyRocks, KittyRocks, rah rah rah!