Sunday, February 12, 2006

Not even ONE guess?

So, evidently no one has a clue about the mystery I posed, right?
My sisters at least should know the answer--by highlighting the 'hidden' words, you'd find a date to trace--OR, you could check the latest New Yorker....

lol...ok, I can hear you say, "s'too much work"...but I'll STILL give you a couple more days. Just hope I don't forget to post the answer altogether, hm?


  1. Note: SisDownSouth e-mailed the right answer!
    Hooray--think I should send her a KittyRock?

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    And so the answer would be...?

  3. Of course I know the answer, but I already have two kitty rocks, and they would probably get upset if I tried to introduce another:-)


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