Thursday, August 23, 2007

What color is "Joybubbles"?

If you heard the name "Joybubbles" on the news early this week but didn't pay much attention, here's the rest of the story...

I'd like to claim Joybubbles as purely Minnesotan, but in truth he only spent his last years here. He died August 8th of a heart attack.

Over the years, one of the goofy pleasures in Minnesota has been a column in the St Paul Pioneer Press newspaper called Bulletin Board. It's the best 'feedback' method a paper could want. I used to buy the paper JUST for that, but now it's online, so I read it every day from

Anyway, Joybubbles was a regular contributer to the give-and-take on BB. Heres a COMPILATION
of contributions he called in over the past few years. It's also a beautiful tribute to a perpetual 5 year old.

You'll notice that one thing he wished for was a Crayola crayon color called "Joybubbles"...and today, another contributer suggested we all go to the CRAYOLA SITE and suggest it!

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you'll fine "Contact us".

Hmmm....maybe a clear crayon with swirls of color in it, and definitely some GLITTER!

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