"If you must. Know, however, that I have been having a hard time trying to incorporate my 'theme,' since my colors don't quite lend themselves to it. Red, orange, and light green don't really say '______'. (I leave it up to you to explain)."
LOL...aren't daughters wonderful? She didn't spill the theme while still giving me permission. Cool, huh? Now, I can write about it, letting the idea wash over you til it melts into your brain. I'll give hints and let them trickle down, and suddenly, there will be a tide of understanding...trust me!
Ok, I'm bubbling to get started--let's break the ice, shall we?
E and S were born on the same day in June ( a few years apart), so they're both Aquarians....no, Geminis. They met while kayaking.
Dates involved 'doing' different rivers in the area as well as doing other outdoors stuff together...their love for each other built, and errupted like a geyser, when......
(See a theme yet?)
.....S proposed to E last year on Valentine's Day here: http://www.phototour.minneapolis.mn.us/703
even though it was frozen.....
(What? You still don't see it?? It's a theme as natural as a spring-fed lake...!)
Sheesh....ok, one more really bad pun:
I know you're just getting your feet wet here, but let's jump right in...
the theme is:
A couple of E's ideas: name each table for a river they've kayaked.
Centerpieces could be tall water-filled cylinder vases with rocks from Lake Superior in the bottom anchoring pine twigs and an orange flower or two...topped with a burgandy floating candle.
An ice sculpture would work....or a fountain on the head table.
The problem for E is that my suggestions ALL run toward visual puns...like bubbles....or toiletries in the rest rooms that feature water...or rubber duckies.
lol...any ideas out there?