So. Noodles should be right, I've used them up. Well then, how about....spaghetti noodles? Naw...that's just wrong.
The only other noodles I have on hand are ramen noodles, in a package I paid ten cents for. I hesitated, though...I might have to toss the little envelope of seasoning! Ohmigawd.
This is carrying the Minnesota-frugality thing a bit far, isn't it?
(I realized, too, that if I'd paid a dollar for the package, I could throw the seasoning away without a thought...and that REALLY doesn't make sense
There's a similar phenonemon that happens in the store, though...if we have mark-down plants, or "free with a coupon" items, people expect guarantees that they never ask for with full priced stuff.
(Last fall, we had FREE violet plants as part of a promotion, and I've never had as many questions about longevity and re-blooming as I did though there was a trick being played: "Yeah, the plant's free, but you're going to NEED this $300 fertilizer...brahahaha!!")
Is it the garage-sale mentality maybe? You know, when fifty cents for a pair of shorts seems like too much, then a dollar for a ball gown seems outrageous? I mean, you'll have to get it cleaned!
People are funny, even me...even when I'm not sick.
Yes, I used the damn noodles...but I saved the seasoning.
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